Health Systems Strengthening (HSS)

The LMG technical approach has four main pillars:

Leadership and governance

LMG builds the capacity of leaders to govern at all levels of the health system through models of personal and team empowerment. Governance functions are an important focus as the ultimate commitment to improving service delivery, accountability, engagement, transparency and stewardship.

Local ownership for local results

LMG provides training to cadres in host countries to strengthen the capacity to monitor and evaluate the impact of leadership, management and governance improvements on health sector performance.

Knowledge exchange and measurement

LMG uses proven tools and innovative technologies in leadership, management, and governance to foster exchange between people at all levels of the health system. LMG is also building evidence that links stronger leadership, management, and governance to greater health impact.

Gender equity

LMG is working with health leaders to develop and direct policies to support women’s participation as managers, providers, and consumers of health care – and ensuring that these policies evolve into activities that will have a positive impact upon all levels of the health system.

Health Systems Strengthening and the LMG project

Medicine and technology exists to save millions of lives and reduce illness, however in many parts of the world this knowledge is not being applied or scaled up effectively to promote inspired leadership, sound management, and transparent governance. The LMG project works to strengthen health systems by improving the capacity of leaders, managers, and policy-makers, allowing them to better implement quality health services, and meet local citizens’ health needs.

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The LMG project works with host-country partners to:

  • Improve leadership, management, and governance practices to achieve health gains
  • Support global health leaders to address their challenges, and achieve results
  • Advocate for investments in leadership, management, and governance as a way to achieve health gains
  • Use innovative and evidence-based approaches
  • Promote gender equity in every aspect of our work
  • Professionalize the health leadership and management workforce

With a focus on achieving the greatest health results and serving those most in need at all levels—from the household to the community to health facilities to national governing authorities—the MSH “pathway to results” strategy used by the LMG allows the project and its country partners to: Focus on interventions that work best in project design, implementation, and evaluation; foster country-led and country-owned programs to create sustainable health systems; and, harness the strength of all sectors—public, private, and civil society—to work as a unified whole.

Resource: The MSH Approach to Health System Strengthening

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