
Project Overview:
The purpose of the activities under the Leadership, Management, and Governance (LMG) Project in Nigeria to improve the ownership and sustainability of the HIV epidemic response. This will be done by strengthening the leadership skills, management systems, and governance structures of key stakeholders at the state and local government area (LGA) level. The LMG/Nigeria Project activities continue the work started under the Program to Build Leadership and Accountability in Nigeria’s Health System (PLAN-Health) from 2010-2015.

Intermediate Results for Current Activities:

  1. Community-based health insurance (CBHI) strengthened for affordable healthcare and HIV services.
  2. Improved MNCH and increased uptake of PMTCT in selected LGAs in Akwa Ibom State through the engagement of traditional birth attendants
  3. Improved ownership and sustainability of HIV and AIDS programs in Akwa Ibom State through leadership and management training of community health workers.

Previous Achievements/Closed Activities:
During the PLAN-Health project, LMG through its global-funded activities piloted a new Leadership Development Program Plus (LDP+) program with PLAN-Health specifically focused on PMTCT. The LDP+ pilot, with ten teams from the Gwagwalada Health Council in Nigeria, helped to achieve increased uptake of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services. A governing body, composed of critical stakeholders, set the direction by selecting five critical PMTCT indicators and proven interventions that local teams then adapted and implemented. The teams worked to create a vision of improved results around PMTCT, aligned stakeholders around this challenge, implemented their action plans, and shared what they learned with other teams for continuous improvement. After six months of extremely promising results, the governing body made a plan to scale up the improvement process throughout the country.

See also  LeaderNet and Virtual Leadership Development Programs

The LMG Project also supported the Ponseti International Association (PIA) in using the Public Health Model to provide technical assistance to clubfoot treatment programs in Nigeria. PIA worked to institutionalize the Ponseti treatment method for clubfoot in Nigeria to significantly increase access to clubfoot treatment through national programs; local ownership of the Ponseti treatment process and clinical services; and sustainability of the delivery of the Ponseti method within the country’s health system.

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