Managing Health Service Delivery, Chapter 10 of Health Systems in Action

This publication explores the ways in which the health service delivery system interfaces with and builds on the management systems discussed in the earlier chapters of this handbook. You will see how improving the management and leadership of the health service delivery system improves access to and quality of services. You will observe the importance of strong systems in fostering a positive relationship between clients and providers at service delivery sites— “points of care”—at all levels of the health system, leading to desired health outcomes.

This chapter deals with some of the most critical elements of health service delivery:

  • Establishing and maintaining high-quality services
  • Assuring equitable access
  • Providing integrated services
  • Scaling up services
  • Providing community-based primary health care
  • Working with the private for-profit sector

This publication is Chapter 10 of Health Systems in Action: An eHandbook for Leaders and Managers.

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