How to Help a Loved One Cope with a Parkinson’s Diagnosis

Learning that you or someone you love has a Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis can be heartbreaking and overwhelming. As a caregiver to someone with Parkinson’s Disease, it can be difficult to know what to do to help the person you love. The great news is that there are ways to make life easier for you and the person you care about with Parkinson’s if you aren’t afraid to reach out for help. For a few ways to help a loved one and even yourself cope with their Parkinson’s diagnosis, read on.

Helping With Paperwork and Legal Matters

Cope with a Parkinson's Diagnosis

A serious diagnosis often comes with the unfortunate reality of paperwork. Whether it be medical bills or getting things in order to join a Paraquat Parkinson’s lawsuit to get your loved one the compensation they deserve, it’s important to be there to help your family member with any important logistical needs they may have. After a diagnosis, it’s a good idea to meet with an area or hospital social worker or the finance department for a list of suggestions on where you might start to ensure your loved one has the care they deserve for the long term. You might need to have your family member sign waivers so that you can advocate for them on their behalf when it comes to care decisions, finances, legal actions, and more. Doing this as soon as possible will ensure you can give the best help possible when it comes to paperwork.

Creating a Safe Space

Creating a Safe Space for Parkinson's Diagnosis

Whether your loved one will be living with you, on their own, or in an assisted living or another type of care home, it’s important that they feel comfortable in a safe environment. Even after you’ve set them up with a safe place to live, you’ll want to be sure they settle in well. Start with planning regular visits and offering tokens of items that will help them to make any adjustments they may need as they work through the reality of their diagnosis. You could order plants online to make their place homey, bring them groceries, or make alterations to their home or living space to make life easier and safer. Hiring caregivers or asking a network of friends and family members to help check in on your loved one could make a big difference, too.

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Healthy Routines and Encouraging Individuality

Healthy Routines for Parkinson's Diagnosis

If you’re happy in your life and know that being your authentic self is important to you, take care to remember that it’s likely important to your family member, too. Just because someone has a serious diagnosis does not negate that they are an individual. Make an effort to honor their spirit, wishes, personal interests, and needs as you work together to navigate the disease. Helping the person you love to have moments of joy and special attention is a good way to offer hope. As a caregiver, paying attention to self-care needs is imperative to your ability to remain patient on bad days. Make a habit of asking for breaks and reaching out to a support system if you’re struggling to help the one you love. Residential aged care is for older people who can no longer live at home.

At the end of the day, whether it’s helping to be sure medical bills are paid through a settlement amount and punitive damages related to the Parkinson’s diagnosis or just being there for your loved one on a regular basis to help navigate the side effects of this difficult disease, doing what you can now to make things easier down the road is a great way to feel proactive. Especially when it’s early on in your loved one’s diagnosis, it’s important to spend time together, make memories, and come up with a plan that will make the future feel easier and filled with hope.


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail:

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