Overcoming Ego Depletion In 6 Simple Steps

Understanding Ego Depletion

Ego depletion is basically the idea that a person’s decision-making capacity is restricted, especially when he is acting against his choices. This “ego” is referred to by psychologists as the cognitive (aware) portion of the brain. The ego depletion theories believe the idea that one has a finite amount of conscious willpower and that, if it runs out, his capacity to make wise judgments is severely hampered. The human mind is like a muscle that, if exercised continuously without a break, will eventually grow weary and weak.


Although it is likely common knowledge that people find it more difficult to make wise decisions when they are “tired,” scientific research has found it challenging to identify the causes. Scientists are unsure of how or why ego depletion occurs, but they can develop a picture of what is likely happening by understanding the neurological (nerve communication) circuits in the brain.

How does an Ego Depletion Feel Like?

When people exhaust their self-control on one task, they become less able to utilize self-control on a subsequent, unrelated task. This is known as ego depletion. The fundamental aspect of ego depletion is that it can effectively “spill over” into other areas when one area is low.

So, for instance, trying to concentrate in a tedious meeting can make it harder for an individual to select a nutritious lunch, just as trying to maintain composure when dealing with a harsh client at work might make it harder for the person to stick to the new workout regimen. Below are a few instances of the negative consequences of ego depletion:

  1. A person’s likelihood of abandoning his diet may increase. In one study, participants were given the option of sitting near a bowl of snacks (requiring considerable self-control) or far from a bowl of snacks. Some of the participants were dieters (a situation requiring less self-control). Participants were offered the option to treat in a bowl of ice cream after completing this job.
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The study’s findings revealed that the dieters who sat close to the snack bowl consumed more ice cream than everyone else. What took place? It takes a lot of discipline to sit next to attractive foods and resist eating them (especially when on a diet), so after doing so for a while, the dieters really gave up and ate ice cream as much as they wanted.

The person on dieting should remember that eating healthily is fantastic, but if he keeps himself to an excessively rigid diet, he will feel starved and be more likely to give up on it.

  1. One could be more likely to lose his temper with his spouse or partner. According to studies, people who are experiencing ego depletion are less tolerant of others and are more prone to react hostilely to provocation.
  2. One could find it more difficult to stay within budget. Impulsive spending is more likely to occur among ego-depleted people.
  3. One could be more inclined to steal. In one study, participants were given the option to cheat on an exam in order to make more money. A state of ego depletion increased the likelihood of test-taking fraud.

6 Simple Steps to Overcome Ego Depletion

Understanding how ego depletion affects a person in no way justifies giving up on his objectives. Instead, one should make use of strategies that make it simpler for one to stick to budgetary objectives. Consider the following techniques:

1. Try the ‘If-Then Statements’ Technique

Try the ‘If-Then Statements’ Technique

These pledges of what an individual does in the event of a challenge or temptation are also known as implementation intentions. For instance, “If I find anything I want to buy online, I’ll save the page for later to avoid any impulsive purchases” Having a predetermined plan in place for circumstances where the person knows he is going to slip up relieves some of the pressure of having to think it through.

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2. A Small Sugary Treat will Help

A Small Sugary Treat will Help

There is a connection between blood glucose and willpower, according to certain studies. According to psychological theories, eating sugar re-energizes the brain because glucose is essentially the brain’s source of energy. Others believe that eating or even just tasting sugar can help prevent the symptoms of ego depletion since it makes one joyful. In either case, if one needs a little boost of energy to start a healthy habit or stop a bad one, try a small sugary treat like lemonade.

3. Add a Few Positive Experiences

Add a Few Positive Experiences

It has been demonstrated that a good attitude might lessen the consequences of ego exhaustion. In order to refresh thoughts, try taking a break to watch an amusing video or spend time with a favorite pet. Set a timer for five or ten minutes to remind one to get back to the task at hand so one does not become side-tracked for an extended period.

4. Rest, when the Body Demands

Rest, when the Body Demands

There is a connection between getting enough sleep and having healthier moods and minds. A positive outlook and full cognitive capacity both lessen the effects of ego depletion. Remember not to go overboard with a completely new sleep routine because that change may require more work than it will restore.

5. ‘Eat the Frog’ – Identify, Perform, and Repeat

‘Eat the Frog’ – Identify, Perform, and Repeat

When used in the context of ego depletion, this time-tested project management method acquires a new depth. The principle behind “eat the frog” is to always do the most difficult task first, even if it involves consuming an amphibian. Prioritize doing the most challenging and critical tasks before running out of willpower for the day.

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6. Restrict Exposure

Restrict Exposure

A study found that people who tried to limit their intake of unhealthy snacks were most effective when they said they saw fewer friends eating. This shows that it’s simpler to break a negative habit when one limits exposure to it. Since we are aware that it is more difficult to resist something that is directly in front of us, this makes sense.

Make it as difficult as one can to find him in a scenario where he needs to exercise willpower, whether attempting to reduce restaurant takeaway or limit internet purchasing. Change the route home or install blockers on the computer to prevent access to popular shopping websites.


It can be helpful to stand back occasionally and re-evaluate priorities. Which projects are actually worth the time and money? Which ones are considered to be slightly less important? There are a variety of techniques to strengthen willpower for important things, including concentrating on values, considering the larger picture, changing perspective, and feeling good.  One can better exert control over the chores that are actually important by pausing and assessing the priorities.

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