Exposure To High Decibels Can Increase Heart Risk

According to the new research, it has been observed that when a person is exposed to noise of higher decibels on a daily basis then they develop an abnormality in their cardiovascular system.

It will not only impact the health of the heart, but according to the study of Doctor Azar Radfar and their team, when a person is exposed to excessive noise then it elevates the stress responses.

Exposure To High Decibels Can Increase Heart Risk

It leads to the inflammation of blood vessels that can lead to critical health issues including stroke and heart attack.

This research also included 499 participants who were not suffering from any sort of cancer or cardiovascular diseases from the beginning.

All these people were made to go through CT scans and Positron Emission Tomography of the brains as well as the blood vessels for looking into the activity happening in amygdala, which is the region that is responsible to the emotion occurrence when the stress is increased.

So all these participants had to go through exposure to noise and 5 years later among 499 participants, 40 of them had experienced a stroke or heart attack.

Also, the people who were subjected to excessive noise exposure were also having stressful brain activities and there was an inflammation found in their arteries.

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There was an inflammation of the blood vessel and an increase in the risk factor of heart disease. So it was completely evident that inflammations are also related to cardiovascular events.

When compared to other risk elements like smoking, diabetes or air pollution, it was seen that people who are exposed to high level of noise pollution were more inclined towards cardiovascular events.

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More research is carried out in order to check whether decreasing noise exposure can help in reducing the chances of having heart diseases or not. Moreover, one just simply cannot move away from the place where there is an excessive noise pollution so new measures should be implemented.


He is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets and Gaming. you can connect with him on Facebook | Linkedin | mail: srupnar85@gmail.com

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